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Chips in Your Way?

What to do when a player is placing chips right where you want to throw?

For me, I learned very early on that I will NEVER ask someone to move their chips.  Did that once, immediately threw a 7.  Pretty embarrassing!  It's nice when you have someone who knows you at the other end, but thats not always feasible.

For me, if I see someone placing chips where I want to throw - I try to hit them on the come-out roll and hope they get the hint.  Most of the time when I have done this, either the player who placed the chips, or someone around them realized it and they were moved.  I think it was last weekend, I had a gentleman put his pass line bet right where I wanted to throw.  Come out roll, I nailed them!  Perfect throw, dice together, landed right on top of his chips.  What does he do? Simply stacks them back up right in the exact same spot and adds odds.  Haha...what do I do, a bit frustrated, didn't place a bet and tried to hit them again.  This time I nailed his odds!   Then Shootergirl reminded me to focus on my game, so I placed my bets and decided to throw just to the right of his money.  I actually did fairly well.  I think I was focusing a bit more on my landing zone because of it and was able to hit pretty close to where I wanted consistently.  I finished with a decent roll.  I've definitely had my share of "chips in the way", and my approach has changed quite a bit over time with each experience.  Right now, I've kind of settled on the fact that there isn't much you can do, but I'll still try to hit them on the come out.

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